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quill generate


Generate a mnemonic seed phrase and generate or recover PEM.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for running quill generate commands is:

quill generate [option]


-h, --helpDisplays usage information.
--overwrite-pem-fileOverwrite any existing PEM file
--overwrite-seed-fileOverwrite any existing seed file.


--pem-file <PEM_FILE>File to write the PEM to. [default: identity.pem]
--phrase <PHRASE>A seed phrase in quotes to use to generate the PEM file.
`--password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>Read the encryption password from this file.
--seed-file <SEED_FILE>File to write the seed phrase to.
--words <WORDS>Number of words: 12 or 24 [default: 12].
--storage-mode <MODE>Change how PEM files are stored [default: password-protected]


The quill generate command has two primary uses - generating a new key, or recovering a key from a seed phrase.

To generate a new key, and output it to a PEM file:

quill generate --pem-file identity.pem --seed-file seed.txt

This will generate a new key that you can use to sign IC transactions with quill, or any other IC tool that supports secp256k1, like dfx. It will also output a seed.txt file containing a seed phrase which can be used to recover this key - write it down in a safe place! If you do not specify a file, it will be printed to the terminal.

Keys are password-protected by default. This command will prompt for a password interactively. To use it in a script, use --password-file:

quill generate --pem-file identity.pem --password-file password.txt

Or to disable password protection:

quill generate --pem-file identity.pem --storage-mode plaintext

To recover a key from a seed phrase stored in seed.txt:

quill generate --phrase "$(< seed.txt)" --pem-file identity.pem


Most quill commands take a --pem-file parameter, for the key used to sign the messages. If the key is password-protected, it will prompt you for the password, or you can use a --password-file parameter.

If a password-protected key needs to be exported for use with another tool such as DFX, use quill decrypt-pem.

Technical notes: Passwords are run through scrypt(r=8,p=1,n=131072,len=32), and then the file is encrypted with AES-256-CBC.